My girl is potty trained. Last I wrote, she was withholding for the second day, and in case you couldn't tell, I was a teeny bit stressed. Actually, frantic is probably more accurate than stressed, because I was absolutely frantic wondering what our next step would be.
My cousin Cathleen (whose blog I'd love to link to but I can't figure out how to right now) gave me some pointers, and I planned to try one of them, to give Ava special items to use while on the potty. While I went to pick the boys up from school, Ava stayed home with my husband, and when I returned I found her sitting on the potty in our powder room. I decided to join her and within a few minutes she was peeing! She went again a few more times yesterday, and today not only did she go a number of times, three times were in public places and most of the time she told me when she had to go. She even asked to go to the bathroom one more time before bed, to avoid wetting her PullUp.
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! is an understatement. I'm so relieved.
And yet...this evening as I moved a load of laundry to the dryer, I saw one of her Fuzzibunz(cloth diapers), and felt this weird pang of sadness. We are not having any more children, and so I will never change one of my children's diapers again. My little girl is a baby no more. I'm sure, just like with other milestones, such as nursing each one for the last time, moving them out of their crib into a bed, or putting away the baby clothes, I will not feel sad for long. However, the thought did cross my mind that I was willing to let her stay in diapers this long because it was one more baby/mama connection to hold on to.
For now though, I will focus on all of the great moments with my big girl, like when she tells a joke and it not only makes sense but is funny too. Or our impromptu marching band this afternoon, with her on drums and me on triangle. Most of all, what I enjoyed today was seeing the sense of pride and accomplishment each time she sat her little bum on the potty!
1 comment:
Yay Ava! Glad things are going well. And I'm sure Jenn will let you diaper up her babies to fill that void!
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