Yesterday our house was finally listed on I'm not exactly bowled over by the ad our agent wrote, nor was I happy that the pictures weren't there from the start. Today the pictures went up but there are a few that should be there that aren't, and two that shouldn't be and are. Frustrating.
My almost five year old seemed like he was coming down with something for a couple of days, and woke up at midnight on Thursday throwing up all over his bed (and his dad, who was sleeping in there because we were anticipating a puke fest). Thankfully he never threw up again, but he was out of it until mid-morning today. He definitely needed to be home yesterday and not at school, and he was low maintenance so no trouble at all, but damn, I had so many things I wanted and needed to do outside the house. Instead we laid around watching too much tv (him) and eating too much chocolate (me).
This morning I ran out to do a few errands sans kids and came back to find that the baby was still sleeping (3 hours total, which never happens for her morning nap). I took advantage of the "free" time and swept the garage, cleaned the kitchen, and started laundry.
At about three the doorbell rang and it was a realtor with our FIRST showing. Except she didn't call ahead and I had a sleeping baby, a recuperating child in his pj's, and a messy house. Oh, and a hole in the ceiling, the project that my husband was working on when he ran out to Home Depot to pick up a reciprocating saw. Great timing. I was so glad that I had at least done the little bit of clean up in the morning, because otherwise I would have been mortified and had to turn them away.
I asked them for 10 minutes and then I ran around like a chicken with her head cut off. My 10 year old helped me by loading crap into the back of my car, and I was able to do a lot in those 10 minutes. I couldn't tell if the couple liked the house or not, but it was a good dress rehearsal that helped me to realize that I really need to clean as I go from now. Gotta work on that.
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