Sunday, March 30, 2008

House on the market is hard

Have you heard of the book Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs? In case you haven't, here's the Amazon review: Can you describe your life in six words? That's what the editors of storytelling magazine SMITH asked readers in 2006; the results, though decidedly uneven, make for compulsive reading and prove arguably as insightful as any 300+ page biography. Taken as a whole, this cascade of quotes from contributors famous and unknown creates a dizzying snowball effect of perspectives and feelings. Highlights from professional writers and artists include journalist Chuck Klosterman wondering, "Nobody cared, then they did. Why?"; pop singer-songwriter Adam Schlesinger lamenting, "We still don't hear a single"; and comic strip artist Keith Knight illustrating "I was a Michael Jackson impersonator." At their best, these nano-memoirs evoke the same kind of rich emotional responses as a good story: 9 year old Hannah Davies considers herself "Cursed with cancer. Blessed by friends"; Zak Nelson says "I still make coffee for two"; Scott Birch claims "Most successful accomplishments based on spite." Some entries read like bumper stickers (Rip Riley: "No wife. No kids. No problems"), and others are just plain weird (Amy Sedaris: "Mushrooms. Clowns. Wands. Five. Wig. Thatched"), but this compelling little book will have readers and their friends hunting for favorites and inventing six-word self-definitions of their own. This review in six words? Read. Enjoy. Pass it on. Repeat.

Right now mine could be house for sale leads to divorce. It's killing us, I tell you! In an effort to keep the house show ready most of the time, we are rarely relaxing. At night after we do the usual clean up there's a deep clean to do, papers to file away, laundry to fold and put away, our desks to straighten, etc. It is really stressful to leave the house knowing that while you're gone someone might come in, and if they do you want them to have a good impression of not only your house, but of you.

In my search for a new house I've been to at least two places that were completely messy, dirty, and cluttered. In one there were plates of half eaten food on the kitchen counter, dirty diapers on the floor, and laundry spilling over the beds. Last week we walked into a lovely from the outside house only to find beds unmade, the toilets peed on and overflowing garbage. I hope no one ever sees my house that way.

But because of this pressure to have everything just right, I am on edge and snapping at everyone. The least little thing out of place makes me uptight, because I know there's a good chance I'll be the one picking it up or putting it away.

We're going away for Spring Break and I hope lots and lots of people view the house while we're gone, leading to an offer so we can stop showing it!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

House Hunters

Yes, I love the show, but my post is really about the house hunters that seem to wander into my home whenever they want. Case in point, the situation I blogged about that took place the first weekend the house went on the market. Bad timing, to say the least. To add insult to injury, when my realtor called the buyer's realtor to get feedback on the house, she claimed she'd never been here, even though I talked to her and she left a business card.

Yesterday was an off nap day for the younger kids, so they were both tired. I made dinner early and had everyone upstairs and ready to wind down by 6:30. I was trying on clothes, walking around barely dressed when I walked into the bathroom to, well...use the bathroom. The door chimed, indicating someone had opened the door. Babe? I called out thinking that my husband had made it home early from a business trip. "No, this is Jenny from XYZ Realty, we're here to tour your home." Ack!

I weakly responded by telling her that I had not been contacted that I would need a few minutes so I could straighten up. Most of the house was fine but the kitchen looked like a war zone. I told them I was mortified by how messy the kitchen was, but that they were welcome to come in. I promised the boys ice cream from the Bruster's down the road, and we hopped in the car. By the time everyone was buckled and we pulled out, the realtor and the couple were leaving. I was pissed.

On the way home from the ice cream shop I called my agent to ask what had just happened and to know why she hadn't she contacted me. As it happens, she is listing the home of my cousin and his wife, who live on a street with a name similar to ours. She told them to leave the house from 5-7 instead of me. Funny in an I Love Lucy type of way, I guess.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's a Birthday!

Tomorrow is the big 5th birthday. It should be a great day, with a jumpy party at Monkey Joe's and lunch out at Nirvana's, a local restaurant with a nice private party room. There will be 8 guests, and a few siblings. My husband took the day off and we're letting our oldest take the morning off from school so he can jump and help celebrate. Justice League toys will be the biggest hit of the day, I'm sure. A few people have bought Webkinz too, which he'll be thrilled about.

This house for sale thing is overrated. It is so stressful trying to keep it perfect all the time. If I have some warning (like at least an hour) it isn't a big deal to make it look "show ready" because it's pretty well organized and I'm trying to clean as I go more now. Maintaining that level is tough, and what I'm really worried about is leaving the house for an extended period of time and getting a call that someone is on their way over. I don't want to worry that the toilets haven't been flushed or that there are dishes in the sink, or worse yet, dirty clothes on the floor somewhere. So I'm busting my ass trying to make it look great every time I leave the house. In fact, right now I should be cleaning the kitchen, as I baked cupcakes and made icing, and there is confectioner's sugar and flour all over the counter and stove.

It's a crappy day here, like so many we've had lately, gray and rainy. At least it's not cold, but eh, I can't stand this type of weather. I need the sun. Thankfully tomorrow is SPRING and my flowers are blooming and it will be sunny with a high of 68, I believe.

The timing of Easter this year conflicts with Luke's birthday and so I've not bought one thing for their Easter baskets (must make list of candy to buy at Whole Foods tomorrow). I am not sure what to do about the baby; I know the boys will be disappointed if she doesn't have a basket, or something, but there's nothing she needs. It seems silly to spend money on more toys or another little Sigg bottle for her.

Saturday night my husband and I are going out to celebrate a friend's birthday. We haven't been out alone like this in years. My mom is going to come over and stay with the kids for a few hours, thankfully. We can't stay out too late because the baby will wake up around midnight and want to nurse. But we can definitely make it for a late supper and dessert. I'm not much of a drinker, but if I go out alone with friends, as I often do, I can't even have one drink if I have to drive. The thought of having maybe TWO champagne cocktails or martinis is really making me look forward to Saturday.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Never has decision making been as hard for me as it has been the past few months. Especially as it pertains to my children, it is so important to me that I make the right decision. Of course there's no way to know if what we choose really is the best path, but sometimes I anticipate that feeling that will let me know we chose wisely.

There are school decisions (private or homeschool), medical (vaccinate or not), home (the most we can afford, or conservative choice), financial (vacation or savings), food (organic or not), and the list goes on and on. Although I know I can't operate this way, sometimes I wish I was the type to go with whatever is suggested by the expert in each field.

If so, I'd be sending my kids to the public school up the block since everyone raves about it. They'd all be up to date on all vaccinations, we'd live in this house forever, we'd have enough in savings to afford lots of great vacations having saved over $100k in tuition over the past 7 years, and we'd buy whatever is on sale at the grocery store.

But I wouldn't be happy. Although I'm no martyr, I'd much rather skip vacations this year if it means giving my kids the education I want them to have, or the size home I feel we need.

We did make a decision about next year's schooling, which is a huge weight off our (my) shoulders. We will continue sending our second son to private school for K, and homeschool his big brother at least for one year (5th). This decision was made partially due to finances and partially due to the fact that we've not been impressed by his experience in 4th this year, and want to avoid the same for next year. Middle school is reportedly much better at the school, so we plan to send him back the following year.

More on homeschooling in another post.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

First Time

Yesterday our house was finally listed on I'm not exactly bowled over by the ad our agent wrote, nor was I happy that the pictures weren't there from the start. Today the pictures went up but there are a few that should be there that aren't, and two that shouldn't be and are. Frustrating.

My almost five year old seemed like he was coming down with something for a couple of days, and woke up at midnight on Thursday throwing up all over his bed (and his dad, who was sleeping in there because we were anticipating a puke fest). Thankfully he never threw up again, but he was out of it until mid-morning today. He definitely needed to be home yesterday and not at school, and he was low maintenance so no trouble at all, but damn, I had so many things I wanted and needed to do outside the house. Instead we laid around watching too much tv (him) and eating too much chocolate (me).

This morning I ran out to do a few errands sans kids and came back to find that the baby was still sleeping (3 hours total, which never happens for her morning nap). I took advantage of the "free" time and swept the garage, cleaned the kitchen, and started laundry.

At about three the doorbell rang and it was a realtor with our FIRST showing. Except she didn't call ahead and I had a sleeping baby, a recuperating child in his pj's, and a messy house. Oh, and a hole in the ceiling, the project that my husband was working on when he ran out to Home Depot to pick up a reciprocating saw. Great timing. I was so glad that I had at least done the little bit of clean up in the morning, because otherwise I would have been mortified and had to turn them away.

I asked them for 10 minutes and then I ran around like a chicken with her head cut off. My 10 year old helped me by loading crap into the back of my car, and I was able to do a lot in those 10 minutes. I couldn't tell if the couple liked the house or not, but it was a good dress rehearsal that helped me to realize that I really need to clean as I go from now. Gotta work on that.