Sunday, November 4, 2007

New Store Excitement

Imagine my surprise when I drove up to the new Target on the corner of Roswell Road and Johnson Ferry Road, and saw that it was big enough for a parking garage. Since I shop at night a lot, I actually don't like that (kinda creepy) but there is also above ground parking. The coolest feature of this two level store is that there is an escalator for shopping carts, so that when you're leaving the store to head out to the garage and do not want to take the elevator, you place your shopping cart on the cart escalator and it goes right down next to you. It doesn't take much to excite me, apparently, because I stood there for a good minute watching other people test out the cart escalator. And then, even though I didn't have enough items to necessitate a shopping cart, I ran and grabbed one just so I could watch it ride downstairs.

I was wondering if the fact that the store was new would mean not as many clearance items, but that was not the case at all. The Halloween clearance however was picked over and the only type of candy I was able to get was Reeces Pieces. I did pick up a really nice fall door hanger to replace the one a mouse in our slab basement ate over the winter. I wish I knew why my husband still puts things in the slab basement knowing that there are sometimes rodent visitors that stop by and eat through anything they can find. I also picked up a pair of leggings for the baby for $2.48. I'm not sure what made them part of the Halloween clearance since they were black with pink, green, and orange polka dots, but I was happy to get them for such a low price. Disposable clothing for the kids can be a good thing sometimes, especially now that we're not planning on any more little ones.

There was a Kmart in the shopping center across from the new Target, and it was advertised as undergoing renovations. I almost stepped foot in there a few weeks ago (first time) because Martha Stewart stuff was on deep clearance, but for some reason or another I didn't. A few days a go the Kmart sign was removed and in its place went a Sears sign. Normally I wouldn't get excited about Sears, but they will have a full line of Lands' End products. I buy a lot of LE for the kids and my husband and always end up having to run to the mall to return whatever doesn't fit, so having a stand alone Sears store close to school will save me lots of time.

I've been thinking about what other stores I'd like to see go up and all I could think of was a drive thru Starbucks on my side of town. There's not much over here other than a Bruster's and a couple of chain pizza places. A girl can dream, right?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Here comes the shop part

I'm in shopping overdrive lately, between Halloween, the baby's upcoming christening, my son's birthday party, and the holidays. I took the morning off from the bigger kids and went to Town Center Mall today in search of an outfit for me to wear to the baby's christening in two weeks.

This is the first time I've been to Macy's since Martha Stewart's line was introduced, so I spent some time looking over all of the kitchen products. I must be cheap because even the 50% off Halloween items were more than I wanted to pay. I did get a beautiful skirt for cheap and an equally beautiful top for major coin, but it looks great together so it was worth it.

Macy's has a new gimmick where they give you $10 in Macy's Money for every $100 you spend. This certificate is not issued at the register, but at certain spots around the store, which meant waiting in another line to receive the Macy's Money. There were a zillion exclusions, some of which I realized before I started shopping and others I didn't. I decided that instead of putting the $10 towards a big purchase I was going to hunt for a real bargain, like a $10.50 item that the kids or I really needed. Off I went to the infant section looking for something that would work. Fifteen minutes and one poopy diaper later, I found a 4 piece outfit with leggings, a long sleeved bodysuit t shirt, socks, and a bib all in pink and brown polka dots, my personal favorite right now. Perfect! Except, it was $9.98. I searched for another few minutes for something small to add to my purchase and came up empty, so I decided I'd just buy one more of the outfits in a different pattern. I'd still spend $10, but rationalized that it was a steal for 8 pieces of cute clothing and accessories.

Did I mention there were lots of exclusions? Yes, I believe I did except I probably didn't mention that Everyday Values, like the outfits I picked out, were part of the long list of exclusions. I probably didn't mention it because I didn't realize it. I left the items on the counter and stormed off, thinking I'd find something in the kitchen section. By then I was in such a bad mood that I decided to just go back another day when I had a clear list of what I really needed (Socks, I realized on the way home--the boys always need socks).

I was so looking forward to a Chai Latte, but by the time I got to Starbucks, the baby was protesting the stroller, so I put her in the sling. Unfortunately she's too grabby right now for me to risk holding a hot cup with her within hand's reach, so I had to pass. Next we headed to Sears to return a bunch of Lands' End stuff and look for some replacements. I do love most of their children's clothes and was able to find some good bargains on basics that all the kids need. The guy who checked me out was not the sharpest knife in the drawer so it took him oh, about double the time it would have taken someone else and he made two major mistakes that required he void the transaction and start over again. By this time the baby and I were hungry and cranky so when a little old lady came up to the register, forcing my not sharp guy to stop what he was doing completely, and asked for help with curtains, I was pissed. Even more so when she reached for the baby's hand, the one that contains the thumb she sucks. I'm sure my head was spinning when I told the sweet old lady "DO NOT TOUCH MY BABY'S HAND, please." At least I added the please to show that I'm a polite bitch, right? Then I scandalized everyone in Sears by nursing on a sofa right in the middle of the furniture department. What's up with people *still being so shocked by a nursing woman?

I came home to find my most recent order from A Touch of Whimsy--beautiful invitations to the christening and family informals that are too cute. Gina is great--I only ordered on Tuesday and had the items by Saturday. Go check her site out, you'll love the products and be hooked like me.